Job Title: Psychiatrist, Psychiatric APRN
Position Type: Consultant, Part-Time
Reports To: Director of the Health Center
拉姆齐霍尔学校是一所独立的,男女同校的初级寄宿和走读学校,位于华盛顿州迪普. 学校有300多名学生,从幼儿园到9年级. 学生因其独特的天赋而受到重视和赞扬, diverse learning styles, and innate character. 目前,我们正在寻找一名精神科医生或精神科APRN,为我们的寄宿学校(12-15岁)提供咨询服务。.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- 通过进行精神病学评估来评估和筛选患者, including interviews, medical histories, physical exams, observations, and psychological testing.
- Prescribe medications according to diagnosis.
- 监测患者以确定药物的疗效和潜在的副作用.
- 制定治疗计划,根据计划衡量进展,并根据需要进行调整.
- 为学院提供必要的危机干预.
- 准确及时地完成所有必要的临床文件.
- Collaborate with a broader team of physicians, school counselors, therapists, 护士和行政部门评估和调整治疗计划.
- 当前有效的精神病学委员会认证或当前精神病学APRN认证
- 获得认可学校的医学或高级护理学位,并完成批准的精神科住院医师
- Licensed to practice in the State of CT
- Current DEA registration
- 熟悉和掌握当前的DSM标准
- 熟悉危机评估工具和技术
- 具有较强的精神病学原理和实践知识
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Required Applicant Documentation:
- Resume and Cover Letter
- Contact information for three references
拉姆齐霍尔坚定地致力于培养一个反映K-9教育价值观的社区,并促进平等的环境, inclusion and respect for difference. Rumsey Hall is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, 特别鼓励历史上代表性不足的群体成员的申请.
请将此职位的申请表寄推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜南希·达尔林普尔, APRN, Director of the Health Center at